
IRS and coalition announce filing season changes to help detect fraud

The IRS and partners in the Coalition of Scam and Scheme Threats released changes for the 2025 filing season designed to help protect taxpayers from becoming victims of a scam or scheme and prevent tax professionals from having their credentials compromised.

The changes include:

  • A new form involving the Fuel Tax Credit, designed to make it harder for promoters to mislead well-meaning taxpayers into claiming the credit.
  • Increased review on a variety of “other withholding” claims on Form 1040 that have been targets of scammers and schemers.
  • Reaching out to taxpayers who have potentially used “ghost preparers” to prepare tax returns. These preparers don’t identify themselves on the tax return, which is a red flag for taxpayers to be misled into a scam or scheme. has details about reporting an abusive tax scheme or a tax return preparer and phishing and online scams.

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